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 til [tɪl]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 芝麻

    Til \Til\, prep. & conj.
    See {Till}. [Obs.] --Chaucer.

    Teel \Teel\, n.
    Sesame. [Sometimes written {til}.]

    {Teel oil}, sesame oil.

    1. He tends to work at it 'til he drops, recoups and then does it again.
    2. Repeat it 'til they say it in their sleep.
    3. "I didn't know I was a fugitive from justice 'til Monday," he said. "I didn't know there were warrants for my arrest.
    4. "For a country in which `shop 'til you drop' is almost the national battle cry, this could easily be viewed as the most un-American forecast ever issued by the NABE forecast panel," the association report said.
    5. Well it ain't over til it's over."' Officials said Friday they expect thousands of East German refugees to leave for the West within days from tent camps, summer cabins and other makeshift lodgings where many have spent weeks.
    6. "Wait 'til next year," President Bush said when asked by reporters about the election results as he met with Republican congressional leaders.
    7. She started the suit, and I told her I'd continue 'til the end." The jury began deliberations last Tuesday.
    8. "We'll sit up at night 'til we hear more.
    9. "They make a ruckus when anyone comes around, and when they find a snake, they keep on gobblin' 'til someone comes to see what's happening," she said recently.
    10. The only thing missing is a red banner in Mao Tse-tung's handwriting, proclaiming the Communist Party's latest line: "Shop 'til you drop." Although the party isn't ready to be so explicit, that slogan is clearly the current message to the masses.
    11. "We'll keep systems removed 'til all clear is sounded, several days at most I would think," Maltz said.
    12. "It isn't over 'til it's over," said the co-chairman of the Senate Steel Caucus. "Trade disputes are always very chancy." Several major newspapers have railed against extension of the VRAs, saying it's time for big steel to stand on its own.
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