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 Tilden ['tildin, 'tildən]   添加此单词到默认生词本

    [ noun ]
    United States tennis player who dominated men's tennis in the 1920s (1893-1953)

    1. Other owners of the Tilden mine are Stelco Inc. of Hamilton and Cleveland-based Cleveland-Cliffs Inc., which also manages the mine.
    2. The utility will continue to operate the plant, which provides electrical power required by the nearby Empire and Tilden iron ore mines managed and partly owned by Cleveland-Cliffs.
    3. The two mines, in Empire and Tilden, account for a large share of the company's business, with a combined annual capacity of 16 million tons.
    4. It was painted by an architect, Philip Tilden, to represent 'the unsuspecting income tax-payer assailed on all sides.' It now needs further restoration and modernisation.
    5. Tilden, who studied in Paris, produced "The Baseball Player" sculpture which stands in Golden Gate Park in 1889.
    6. The debt is guaranteed by Cannelton Iron Ore Co., an Algoma unit, which owns 30% of the Tilden mine.
    7. GenCorp spokesman Tilden noted the company hasn't acknowledged any violations of FCC rules.
    8. Cleveland-Cliffs Inc. said it agreed in principle to acquire $126 million of long-term debt of the Tilden iron-ore mine from eight institutional lenders.
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