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 OJ   添加此单词到默认生词本
Orange Juice,橘汁,橙汁

    1. Time magazine recently drew criticism over a digitally altered photograph of OJ Simpson, the US football star accused of murder.
    2. For all the ubiquity of election advertising, the political campaigns are still only the second biggest story in California, behind the OJ Simpson trial and its extraordinary out-of-court activities.
    3. We were discussing the way in which matters develop instantaneously into media events these days. Before Saturday I had never heard of OJ Simpson.
    4. You never know." Possibly because they are too busy collecting French impressionist paintings and Manhattan real estate, the Japanese themselves have demonstrated little interest in OJ.
    5. Referring to an infamous magazine cover which has sparked accusations of racism aimed at Simpson, Mr Jett says: 'It's like Time magazine darkening OJ Simpson's face.
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