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 Okello 添加此单词到默认生词本
n. (Okello)人名;(肯、乌干、坦桑)奥凯洛

  1. Although the polyphenols in tea are known for health benefits, Dr. Ed Okello and his team wanted to better understand how these polyphenols act once inside the body.
    尽管皆知绿茶中的多酚有益健康,Ed Okello博士和他的团队仍想进一步了解它们在人体中是如何作用的。
  2. We will also institute indoor residual spraying to fight malaria, and immunize children in the camps at least against measles, one of the top child killers," said Dr Okello.
    我们也将开始使用室内残留喷洒做法来抗击疟疾,并对营地内儿童进行免疫接种,至少可预防麻疹这导致儿童死亡的主要病因之一,” David Okello博士说。
  3. " The beneficial effects of green tea lasted for a week, but with black tea, the effect wore off after a day, " said Dr Okello, whose study appears in the journal phytotherapy Research.

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