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 okay   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 好, 可以, 行, 对, 好吗, 很好

ad. 好, 可以, 行, 对, 好吗, 很好

n. 同意, 签认, 批准, 认可

vt. 同意, 签认, 批准, 认可


    okay \okay\ adj.
    Satifactory; agreeable; pleasant; as, things are okay; he's
    an okay guy.

    Syn: all right(predicate), all-right(prenominal), ok, o.k.
    [WordNet 1.5 +PJC]

    okay \okay\ n.
    An endorsement; approval; permission; as, they gave us the
    okay to go ahead.

    Syn: OK, okey, okeh.
    [WordNet 1.5]

    okay \okay\ v. t.
    to approve; as, the boss okayed my proposal.

    Syn: approve, ok, sanction.
    [WordNet 1.5]

    1. In fact, a lot of things are far from okay in the world of junk bonds, those corporate debt securities ranked below investment grade by credit rating services, such as Moody's.
    2. If that's what the people want, it's okay," said Danielle Bazin, a party official and sister-in-law of Bazin.
    3. You, okay, you gonna wait.
    4. A little Brady asks, "Is Uncle Bobby going to be okay?" Later, Uncle Bobby, in his hospital bed, also wonders.
    5. And David Londoner, an analyst at Wertheim & Co., said a number of Wall Street investors view the transaction as "an okay deal but not an outstanding one."
    6. He imitated the comics who mimic his sometimes choppy semi-sentences: "Lots of comedians up there _ doing impersonations _ okay with me.
    7. "Now, you may not be able to get a pair of safety gloves when you want, but otherwise things are okay."
    8. Included in his generalizations, which the author notes "poured forth like a series of intentional faux pas," were that Irish were bad jurors, blacks okay, Hispanics so-so.
    9. "If people want to try, okay.
    10. He will reach out to those who opposed him, but "I don't plan to suddenly say, 'Well, okay, I accept what I call the liberal agenda.'
    11. "So long as their guns are pointing the right way, you're okay." To some extent, Mr. Coughlin says, the refinery and the drilling sites are protected by their isolation.
    12. "The first thing he did was ask Hecht, `Are you okay?"' the aide said.
    13. Or as James Sutton Regan, the firm's managing general partner, put it recently, "It was always in my mind that if you bought and sold securities within the context of the market it was okay."
    14. Moreover, says Mr. Morris, it's okay for foreign investors to own assets here because it means that foreigners have a stake in our future and, anyway, the money they earn mostly stays here.
    15. "As far as we're concerned, we've done okay," says Mr. Allamby.
    16. They're okay, say Texas officials.
    17. 'We still feel okay, although there is still some profit-taking to come in this market.'
    18. Anything I could do to help?" Simon did not mention the dispute in his speech, but Gephardt said, "I've been attacked lately in this campaign, and that's okay with me."
    19. He appeared at the weekend press conference to let Texans know he thought the North Carolinians were okay, even if they did come from somewhere else, and he would certainly be putting his money in NCNB Texas National Bank.
    20. "We wanted to show it's okay if you fall," says Ms. Dillmann.
    21. Bryant asked, "Is everything okay in Nicaragua?
    22. "We haven't experienced a major loss, but I won't ship them again until I'm given the okay by our factoring company," said Mr. Stoller.
    23. People feel this deep down inside." John Kukol, 66, incoming VFW commander and a Navy veteran of World War II, said freedom of speech means it's okay to call President Bush an obscenity, for example.
    24. In a phone interview, Norsk Data Chief Executive Erik Engebretsen said "the relative improvement for the full year was okay, but we aren't satisfied with the second half."
    25. "But lo and behold, here comes the federal government and says it's okay to drill oil wells three miles off the coast.
    26. "If it was okay with Gaines, it was okay with Paisley."
    27. "If it was okay with Gaines, it was okay with Paisley."
    28. "About another 20 or 30 feet of altitude, and he would have been okay," said Bob Cadwalader, an airline transport pilot from Baltimore who witnessed the accident.
    29. It's a stretch, but we think we'll be okay."
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