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 Naser 添加此单词到默认生词本
n. (Naser)人名;(阿拉伯)纳赛尔;(英、德)纳泽

  1. He recently toured the Middle East with Jordanian musician Hani Naser to promote peace through music, a mission very close to Hani's heart.
    他最近出访中东的约旦音乐家 哈尼族纳塞尔为促进和平,透过音乐,任务十分接近哈尼族的心。
  2. A member of parliament in Syria, Naser Hariri, has condemned the security forces for shooting dead 20 protesters in the city of Deraa on Friday and called for an investigation.
    一名叙利亚的国会议员纳塞尔 哈里里(Naser Hariri)谴责安全部队上周五在Deraa市射杀了20名抗议者,并呼吁对此事进行调查.

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