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 NASM 添加此单词到默认生词本
abbr. 海军航空医学院(naval aviation school of me-dicine)

  1. NASM provides a special variable (the $ and $$ variables) to manipulate the location counter.
    NASM 提供特殊的变量($ 和 $$ 变量)来操作位置计数器。
  2. This little program describes the basic structure of an assembly program for both GAS and NASM.
    这个小程序展示了 NASM 和 GAS 的汇编程序的基本结构。
  3. Although it's not possible to cover every difference that exists between NASM and GAS, I do try to cover the main points and provide a foundation for further investigation.
    尽管不可能讨论 NASM 和 GAS 之间存在的每个差异,但是我试图讨论主要方面,给进一步研究提供一个基础。

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