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 nashi ['nɑ:ʃi添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 那许风;东北风
adj. 苹果状的

  1. Camp Nashi is free, subsidized by the government, and provides the campers with all they need for their two-week stay—though not condoms, according to camper Irina Maziezi.
    Nashi 营地是免费的,受到政府的补贴,营地提供露营两周所需的一切,除了避孕套,露营者 Irina Maziezi 说。
  2. And Camp Nashi, a youth movement run by the Kremlin, encourages young people to pair up in red heart-shaped tents for two weeks on the shores of Lake Seliger, 200 miles from Moscow.
    同时Camp Nashi,一个克林姆林宫推动青年运动,鼓励青年们到距离莫斯科200英里外的seliger湖畔的心形帐篷里共渡两周。
  3. “Two years ago, a couple got married, and last year they came with their new baby boy named after Vasile Sturza, a former leader of the Nashi movement appointed by Putin, ” Drokova said.
    两年前,一对夫妇结婚,一年后他们带着他们的孩子回到这里,孩子取了Nashi运动的领导人Vasile Sturza的名字.

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