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 Namibia [nə'mɪbɪə]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 纳米比亚

    [ noun ]
    a republic in southwestern Africa on the south Atlantic coast (formerly called South West Africa); achieved independence from South Africa in 1990; the greater part of Namibia forms part of the high Namibian plateau of South Africa

    1. Namibia has been ruled by South Africa since World War I, when the League of Nations gave it a mandate to administer the territory.
    2. A Soviet diplomat arrived here Wednesday to discuss a troubled peace plan for Namibia in what was the first official visit to South Africa approved by Moscow in 33 years.
    3. South Africa has refused to give up its control of Namibia, in defiance of the 1978 U.N. resolution, until the Cubans leave Angola.
    4. U.N. peacekeepers are in charge of monitoring the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan, the Aug. 20 cease-fire between Iran and Iraq, the Cuban pullout from Angola and South Africa's exit from Namibia.
    5. Dos Santos struck a conciliatory note Thursday, praising de Klerk as "an advocate of peace in the region" for allowing Namibia to gain independence and for opening talks with the ANC.
    6. South Africa insists it is complying with the one-year U.N. plan to end its 74-year rule of Namibia.
    7. The resolution calls for decommissioning the 1,500 South African Defense Force soldiers still in Namibia, now confined to base under U.,N. supervision.
    8. In sessions Saturday morning and afternoon, the delegates dealt with widely divergent proposals presented Friday on how to resolve the war in Angola and end South African rule in Namibia, conference sources said.
    9. UNITA was not party to U.S.-brokered international accords signed in New York in which South Africa pledged to halt aid to the guerrillas and allow Angola's southern neighbor Namibia to gain independence.
    10. South African and Angolan officials met Friday in Brazzaville, Congo, and discussed how to resolve Angola's 13-year civil war and end South African rule over South-West Africa, also known as Namibia.
    11. Rebel leader Sam Nujoma ripped a move by U.N. Security Council members to reduce from 7,500 to 3,000 the contingent that will oversee Namibia's transition this year to independence from South Africa.
    12. South Africa has linked its scheduled Nov. 1 implementation of a one-year independence plan for neighboring South-West Africa, also known as Namibia, to the Cuban troop withdrawal.
    13. Retief will serve as a liaison between Namibia's current transitional government and the U.N. special representative to the territory, Marthi Ahtisaari, the news agency said.
    14. The Philippines and Namibia, the first of the developing nations to respond to an offer Monday by Saddam of free oil _ in exchange for sending their own tankers to get it _ said no to the Iraqi leader.
    15. In 1989, U.N. members spent three months haggling over the size and costs of a peacekeeping force for Namibia. As a result, the force wasn't in place on time and bloodshed between a rebel group and occupying South African forces ensued.
    16. Citroen says this is too high and that it needs the freedom to import more components. Mr Anton Von Wietersheim, Namibia's trade and industry minister, said South Africa's 110 per cent import duty on cars also weighed on Citroen's decision.
    17. A change in the scheduled withdrawal of the Cubans could jeopardize the planned independence for South African-ruled Namibia, also known as South-West Africa.
    18. A 70-man British army signals unit also flew to Namibia to provide communications for the multinational force.
    19. "With the end of South Africa's administration, all U.S. sanctions against Namibia are being lifted," Bush said.
    20. About 95 percent of Namibia's registered voters cast ballots from Tuesday through Saturday to choose a 72-member assembly that will draft Namibia's constitution.
    21. About 95 percent of Namibia's registered voters cast ballots from Tuesday through Saturday to choose a 72-member assembly that will draft Namibia's constitution.
    22. South Africa had an estimated 50,000 troops in Namibia, concentrated in the north.
    23. Still, miners from all parts of Namibia as well as professional staff from De Beers's head offices in South Africa and London keep coming.
    24. He mediated the accords last year between South Africa, Angola and Cuba on Namibia and the Cuban withdrawal.
    25. Baker leaves Sunday to attend indepndence ceremonies in Namibia, a former South African colony.
    26. UNITA was not involved in U.S.-mediated southern African peace talks, which are aimed at ending 13 years of civil war in Angola and securing independence for South African-controlled South-West Africa, also known as Namibia.
    27. It is the center of Namibia's fishing industry.
    28. Castro said a proposal to reduce the size of a U.N. peacekeeping force in Namibia from 7,500 to 3,000 troops would enable South Africa to maintain a powerbroker's role in Namibia and complicate the Cuban pullout from Angola.
    29. Castro said a proposal to reduce the size of a U.N. peacekeeping force in Namibia from 7,500 to 3,000 troops would enable South Africa to maintain a powerbroker's role in Namibia and complicate the Cuban pullout from Angola.
    30. U.N. Resolution 435, which outlines the independence process, specifies that the assembly elected to draft a new constitution for Namibia, also known as South-West Africa, can act only with support of two-thirds of the delegates.
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