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 nan [næn]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 奶奶(小孩儿语)

  1. Building constructors in Ji Nan and Qingdao have found our product easy to install and very attractive in appearance.
  2. Be there a direct train for Beijing to Nanning?

[ noun ]
  1. your grandmother

  2. <noun.person>
  3. the mother of your father or mother

  4. <noun.person>
  5. a river of western Thailand flowing southward to join the Ping River to form the Chao Phraya

  6. <noun.object>
  7. leavened bread baked in a clay oven in India; usually shaped like a teardrop

  8. <noun.food>

Nan \Nan\, interj. [For anan.]
Anan. [Prov. Eng.]

  1. Since then Mr Smith has taken to climbing in the Highlands - particularly the 'Munro' mountains, those over 3,000 feet. He slipped in the snow while climbing with friends his 108th Munro, Eididh nan Clach Geala, in Wester Ross.
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