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 Namibian   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 纳米比亚的

    [ noun ]
    1. a native or inhabitant of Namibia

    2. <noun.person>
    [ adj ]
    1. of or relating to Namibia or its people

    2. <adj.pert>

    1. The Namibian territorial police force, composed mostly of black Namibians commanded by white South Africans, has done most of the fighting against the guerrillas.
    2. Half the Cubans will be out by the time Namibian elections are held Nov. 1.
    3. The South African military has said it expects Angola to use its influence to keep SWAPO rebels at least 150 miles north of the Namibian border.
    4. South Africa accused armed Namibian nationalist guerrillas of crossing from bases in neighboring Angola, violating U.N.-supervised peace plans for the territory's independence from Pretoria.
    5. Namibian politicians unanimously condemned the action, saying it showed South Africa wanted to increase its control over the territory.
    6. The pope also kept up his attack on apartheid, appealed for international support for the plan for Namibian independence and urged solidarity with refugees.
    7. In other developments, U.N. officials said 5,621 Namibian exiles have been flown home since they began a repatriation campaign 10 days ago.
    8. He also said hundreds of Cuban troops in Angola, in tandem with SWAPO fighters, had moved to within 650 yards of the Namibian border.
    9. Planes believed to be Angolan air force jets have bombed Namibian territory three times in the past four months.
    10. South Africa also has said it is willing to begin withdrawing from Namibia by Nov. 1 if it can reach a mutual date for Namibian independence and the withdrawal of the Cuban troops from Angola.
    11. South African soldiers and Namibian police began returning to their bases Tuesday to give black nationalist guerrillas free passage back across the border into Angola, Defense Force spokesmen said.
    12. The stage was set for the Cuban pullout and the Namibian independence process in December, when South Africa, Cuba and Angola signed accords at U.N. Headquarters pledging their cooperation with a southwest African pace plan.
    13. It calls on South Africa not to link Namibian independence to "irrelevant and extraneous issues, particularly the presence of Cuban forces in Angola." Debate was expected to last until Wednesday.
    14. Namibian officials said 316 guerrillas and 27 security force members were killed in the fighting as South African troops left their bases to engage the rebels.
    15. One of the major Namibian political parties today accused Australian peacekeepers of attending a party of SWAPO supporters and wishing the organization well in the elections.
    16. About 300 people crossed into Namibia from Angola Friday to start a U.N. repatriation program to return thousands of Namibian refugees to their homeland.
    17. Nujoma said Sept. 24 that his organization "has no intention of imposing a one-party political system on the Namibian people against their will," and he invited the territory's 75,000 whites to join in building a new nation.
    18. The United Nations has recognized the South-West African People's Organization as the sole legitimate representative of the Namibian people.
    19. Angola agreed to use its influence with Namibian rebels, and South Africa pledged to do likewise with the Angolan insurgents in order to ensure the peace agreement, the independent South African Press Association reported from Luanda.
    20. Jannie Geldenhuys also told reporters that South Africa did not plan to move any extra troops into Walvis Bay, an enclave owned by South Africa on the Namibian coast.
    21. The Namibian Society for Human Rights, a private group, accuses SWAPO of failing to account for an estimated 1,500 people detained during the war.
    22. Mrs. Dobson abruptly left her job in the Namibian capital of Windhoek on Sept. 23 and flew to London with her South African husband, Peter Dobson.
    23. It is estimated there are perhaps 58,000 Namibian exiles. Bwakira said 32,950 have registered to be repatriated.
    24. In Lusaka, Zambia, SWAPO President Sam Nujoma said South African-controlled Namibian troops killed 27 civilians near Oshakati in northern Namibia.
    25. But South African delegation leader Neil van Heerden indicated he would also raise an alleged breach by Angola of its pledge to keep Namibian guerrillas north of the 16th parallel in Angola.
    26. "It's the ignorance of the people concerned," laments Namibian Prime Minister Hage Geingob, as he lists numerous measures his goverment has taken to encourage foreign investment.
    27. South African forces also staged their first amphibious landing exercise today on the Namibian coast.
    28. The Spanish government 'deplores and regrets' the poaching and has warned its fishermen that they face 'strict legal measures' if they violate Namibian waters.
    29. No fighting has been reported in northern Namibia since April, but territorial officials claim 1,900 SWAPO guerrillas are in southernmost Angola, near the Namibian border, in violation of a regional peace accord.
    30. South African and Namibian police are seeking three former police officers who allegedly were recruited into a unit of the military's Civil Cooperation Bureau.
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