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 Montpelier   添加此单词到默认生词本

    [ noun ]
    capital of the state of Vermont; located in north central Vermont

    1. He attempted to institute a city income tax, but was foiled by the state government in Montpelier.
    2. I never did reach that spring. Michael Woods was a guest of Montpelier Plantation Inn, PO Box 474, Nevis, West Indies, (tel: 809-4693462).
    3. The 208-mile Tour de Sol began Thursday in Montpelier, Vt., and wended its way for a couple of hours each morning through New Hampshire and Massachusetts, taking small highways all the way.
    4. He is a gentle man who looks younger than his 33 years and lives in a large house in the downwardly-mobile Montpelier district of Bristol.
    5. Democratic _ Former state Senate President Pro Tem Peter Welch defeated Montpelier writer William Gwin.
    6. "It couldn't have come at a better time," said Chris Conti, office manager with the Vermont Ski Areas Association in Montpelier.
    7. But, after an hour or so, the attraction began to fade and I found visions of a cool dip and a leisurely lunch by the pool at the Montpelier floating into my mind. The sun seemed to get hotter and the hills became increasingly steep.
    8. Frank Shiner has already strapped on his backpack and set off for Montpelier's lone supermarket, a two-mile round trip he makes every other day.
    9. The civilian campus, Vermont College, eight miles away in Montpelier, was founded in 1834 as a Methodist seminary.
    10. It started 15 years ago in Montpelier as a small contest to promote a local athletic store.
    11. Saturday's low for the Lower 48 states was 16 degrees below zero at Montpelier, Vt.
    12. Fear of alienating that judge is pervasive, says Maurice Geiger, founder and director of the Rural Justice Center in Montpelier, Vt., a public interest group that researches rural justice issues.
    13. In another suit against a newsletter, National Life Insurance Co. of Montpelier, Vt., alleges that Phillips Publishing Inc. libeled the insurer in an article about ratings of insurers' debt.
    14. Jill Arabas, a newswoman in the Montpelier, Vt., bureau of The Associated Press, has been named AP correspondent in Stamford.
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