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 monument ['mɑnjəmənt]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 纪念碑, 纪念物, 石碑

    [ noun ]
    1. a structure erected to commemorate persons or events

    2. <noun.artifact>
    3. an important site that is marked and preserved as public property

    4. <noun.location>
    5. a burial vault (usually for some famous person)

    6. <noun.artifact>

    Monument \Mon"u*ment\, n. [F., fr. L. monumentum, fr. monere to
    remind, admonish. See {Monition}, and cf. {Moniment}.]
    1. Something which stands, or remains, to keep in remembrance
    what is past; a memorial.

    Of ancient British art
    A pleasing monument. --Philips.

    Our bruised arms hung up for monuments. --Shak.

    2. A building, pillar, stone, or the like, erected to
    preserve the remembrance of a person, event, action, etc.;
    as, the Washington monument; the Bunker Hill monument.
    Also, a tomb, with memorial inscriptions.

    On your family's old monument
    Hang mournful epitaphs, and do all rites
    That appertain unto a burial. --Shak.

    3. A stone or other permanent object, serving to indicate a
    limit or to mark a boundary.

    4. A saying, deed, or example, worthy of record.

    Acts and Monuments of these latter and perilous
    days. --Foxe.

    Syn: Memorial; remembrance; tomb; cenotaph.

    1. The monument is a great rough granite shaft rising from a mound in the middle of a tawny clearing.
    2. An attempt to quietly remove a nearly century-old stone monument honoring white supremacists has sparked racial tensions and threatens federal funds for a construction project, officials said.
    3. Besides the steel plant named after Lenin, the town features a huge monument to the first Soviet leader.
    4. Radio Moscow, in a report Thursday monitored by the British Broadcasting Corp. in London, said a wreath-laying ceremony was held at a recently renovated monument at Katyn to "the Polish officers shot dead by the Nazis in 1941."
    5. Perhaps the saddest monument is the crumbling landmark of Battersea Power Station - which was also the scene of a stage-managed appearance by Mrs Thatcher.
    6. Authorities have begun a fund-raising campaign to finance a permanent monument.
    7. The refinery has been criticized by environmentalists because its sulfur emissions threaten to discolor the Taj Mahal, India's most famous monument at Agra, 45 miles away.
    8. Wojciech Jaruzelski at a monument commemorating the outbreak of World War II.
    9. Five years ago: President Reagan paid his first visit to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, placing a bouquet of yellow and pink flowers in the gap between the monument's granite walls.
    10. On Tuesday, leading cultural and academic figures working with the group condemned the Culture Ministry for announcing a design competition for a monument to victims of state repression under Josef Stalin.
    11. The celebration included a sound and light show, fireworks synchronized to music and a procession of 400 torch-carrying Israeli youths who climbed to the top of the monument.
    12. But after the Soviet withdrawal, Austria installed a fountain in front of the monument.
    13. The official news agency Tass quoted Latvian newspapers reporting several hundred people gathered around Riga's Freedom monument to make a "blasphemous provocation." Nine people were detained for trespassing and disrupting transportation, Tass said.
    14. A steady rain fell as Akihito, accompanied by Empress Michiko, bowed deeply and placed a bouquet of white flowers on a dark granite cenotaph before the monument.
    15. The Estonian Cultural Foundation has also launched an appeal to build a monument to the memory of the victims.
    16. "The problem of the location of the monument should be decided by inhabitants of this district of Krakow in legal forums," the government statement said.
    17. Washington, with its many memorials to war heroes, needs a monument to a man of peace, Mohandas K. Gandhi, Congress was told Tuesday.
    18. Several thousand Jews from the United States, Israel and other countries are expected to come for the weeklong official observances that culminate April 19 with a ceremony at the Warsaw monument to heroes of the uprising.
    19. From the outside, the neoclassical structure is a striking and original monument to Disney's successes of the past decade.
    20. The creators of the nation's first monument to the martyrs of the civil rights movement hope to change that, preserving the memories of fallen heroes and inspiring young people to carry on their work.
    21. We need shock treatment." The crowd at the Solidarity monument, which included miners in black uniforms with tall, feather-topped black hats, chanted "Lech Walesa!
    22. In Washington state, where Hooper grew up and lived much of his life, there is no individual monument to his memory and the deeds that won him 37 citations, including the Medal of Honor.
    23. A momument to the military men was erected shortly after the war, but it was not until this summer that the civilian defenders got their monument.
    24. While scores of Poles lighted candles and laid flowers on the graves of friends and family members, hundreds of others gathered around a granite monument to Polish officers murdered in the Katyn forest near the Soviet city of Smolensk.
    25. But it is also time to construct a physical monument and historical center to remind Americans of the power of the state and the fragility of our civil rights.
    26. Until the agents moved in, the town was best known for a 10-foot monument of a boll weevil.
    27. Voters in this luxury resort gave Dutch brewery tycoon Alfred H. Heineken approval to tear down a 72-year-old villa that some wanted to preserve as a historic monument.
    28. The 45 killed instantly were buried under red granite tombstones next to the monument near the shore of Lake Plesetsk, and their enameled portraits were affixed on two low concrete walls.
    29. Others standing near the monument, which was decorated with hundreds of lilacs, carnations, and tulips, spoke of a hopeful mood in Latvia.
    30. The monument contains a rock wall surrounded by palm trees, symbolizing the decision of Cubans to defend their territory, it said.
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