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 Mashhad   添加此单词到默认生词本

    [ noun ]
    the holy city of Shiite Muslims; located in northeastern Iran

    1. It landed first in Mashhad, Iran, where 57 passengers were released.
    2. The Iranian agency said officials at Mashhad Airport in northeast Iran "urged the hijackers to give up their threats," The hijackers forced the Kuwait Airways airliner to land Tuesday after seizing it on a flight from Bangkok to Kuwait.
    3. Flight 422 was commandeered Tuesday en route to Kuwait from Bangkok with 112 people aboard and forced to land in Mashhad in northeastern Iran, where 57 people were released.
    4. It was hijacked Tuesday on a flight from Bangkok to Kuwait and forced to land at Mashhad.
    5. It was forced to land at Mashhad in northeastern Iran, where the hijackers freed 57 hostages.
    6. It was commandeered April 5 on a flight from Bangkok to Kuwait and spent three days at Mashhad, Iran.
    7. The Boeing 747, which had 112 passengers aboard when it began its journey, was diverted to Mashhad in northeastern Iran, then to Larnaca, Cyprus.
    8. The 57 released hostages arrived in Kuwait aboard a Kuwait Airways plane that picked them up in Mashhad.
    9. Freed passengers said they believed more gunmen boarded at Mashhad with submachine guns and dynamite, which was later wired to the plane's doors.
    10. Kuwait rejected the demand, calling it "blackmail," but also sent a government delegation to Mashhad airport in northeastern Tehran to negotiate.
    11. The hijackers released 57 hostages in Mashhad and 13 at Larnaca in exchange for the fuel that took them to their third stop, Algiers, where an elderly diabetic was released last week.
    12. The hijackers then contacted the Mashhad Airport tower in northeastern Iran "to remind that the respite is nearing the end," IRNA said.
    13. The radio broadcast, monitored in Nicosia, said the public executions took place in the southeastern port city of Chabahar and the northeastern cities of Mashhad and Shirwan.
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