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 mashing 添加此单词到默认生词本

    Mash \Mash\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Mashed}; p. pr. & vb. n.
    {Mashing}.] [Akin to G. meischen, maischen, to mash, mix, and
    prob. to mischen, E. mix. See 2d {Mash}.]
    To convert into a mash; to reduce to a soft pulpy state by
    beating or pressure; to bruise; to crush; as, to mash apples
    in a mill, or potatoes with a pestle. Specifically (Brewing),
    to convert, as malt, or malt and meal, into the mash which
    makes wort.

    {Mashing tub}, a tub for making the mash in breweries and
    distilleries; -- called also {mash tun}, and {mash vat}.

    1. To the literary mind, it called up comfortingly noble images of gaunt men in hob-nailed boots gathering under great iron wheels, or women in shawls mashing tea by blackened cottage hearths.
    2. He was sitting behind an enormous desk in the Hotel de Crillon in Paris this week gently mashing an unlit cigar. 'Can I offer you a cigar?' he said. Thank you - I've given them up. 'I have too.
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