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 mask [mæsk]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 面具, 假面具, 掩饰, 石膏面模

vt. 戴面具, 掩饰, 使模糊

vi. 化装, 戴面具, 掩饰, 参加化装舞会

[计] 屏蔽; 掩码

[医] 口罩, 面罩, 面具

    [ noun ]
    1. a covering to disguise or conceal the face

    2. <noun.artifact>
    3. activity that tries to conceal something

    4. <noun.act>
      no mask could conceal his ignorance
      they moved in under a mask of friendship
    5. a party of guests wearing costumes and masks

    6. <noun.group>
    7. a protective covering worn over the face

    8. <noun.artifact>
    [ verb ]
    1. hide under a false appearance

    2. <verb.perception> cloak dissemble
      He masked his disappointment
    3. put a mask on or cover with a mask

    4. <verb.contact>
      Mask the children for Halloween
    5. make unrecognizable

    6. <verb.perception>
      The herb masks the garlic taste
      We disguised our faces before robbing the bank
    7. cover with a sauce

    8. <verb.contact>
      mask the meat
    9. shield from light

    10. <verb.contact>
      block out

    Mask \Mask\ (m[.a]sk), n. [F. masque, LL. masca, mascha, mascus;
    cf. Sp. & Pg. m['a]scara, It. maschera; all fr. Ar. maskharat
    buffoon, fool, pleasantry, anything ridiculous or mirthful,
    fr. sakhira to ridicule, to laugh at. Cf. {Masque},
    1. A cover, or partial cover, for the face, used for disguise
    or protection; as, a dancer's mask; a fencer's mask; a
    ball player's mask.

    2. That which disguises; a pretext or subterfuge.

    3. A festive entertainment of dancing or other diversions,
    where all wear masks; a masquerade; hence, a revel; a
    frolic; a delusive show. --Bacon.

    This thought might lead me through the world's vain
    mask. --Milton.

    4. A dramatic performance, formerly in vogue, in which the
    actors wore masks and represented mythical or allegorical

    5. (Arch.) A grotesque head or face, used to adorn keystones
    and other prominent parts, to spout water in fountains,
    and the like; -- called also {mascaron}.

    6. (Fort.)
    (a) In a permanent fortification, a redoubt which protects
    the caponiere.
    (b) A screen for a battery.

    7. (Zo["o]l.) The lower lip of the larva of a dragon fly,
    modified so as to form a prehensile organ.

    8. A person wearing a mask; a masker.

    The mask that has the arm of the Indian queen. --G.
    W. Cable.
    [Webster 1913 Suppl.]

    9. (Sporting) The head or face of a fox.

    {Mask house}, a house for masquerades. [Obs.]

    {Death mask}, a cast of the face of a dead person.

    Mask \Mask\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Masked}; p. pr. & vb. n.
    1. To cover, as the face, by way of concealment or defense
    against injury; to conceal with a mask or visor.

    They must all be masked and vizarded. --Shak.

    2. To disguise; to cover; to hide.

    Masking the business from the common eye. --Shak.

    3. (Mil.)
    (a) To conceal; also, to intervene in the line of.
    (b) To cover or keep in check; as, to mask a body of
    troops or a fortress by a superior force, while some
    hostile evolution is being carried out.

    Mask \Mask\, v. i.
    1. To take part as a masker in a masquerade. --Cavendish.

    2. To wear a mask; to be disguised in any way. --Shak.

    1. Klan leaders said this year's rally in part was a celebration of the state's decision not to enforce the mask law, which a state judge ruled unconstitutional after Miller's arrest.
    2. The governor's record in the South's most stubbornly one-party state is an ideological mask.
    3. He died without ever resolving it," said a 30-year-old woman wearing a mask and sunglasses at the rally.
    4. The roots of some new words are fairly clear _ "brain bucket" for a helmet with a face mask, and "shamateur" for an athlete who is paid for playing but retains amateur status.
    5. Miller testified Thursday that he wore the mask with the Klan's white robe and hood because he feared for his job and was afraid of the consequences if his identity were known.
    6. Wearing a surgical mask because of tuberculosis, Tabor found a sheriff's officer and apparently followed the deputy because he was unsure of what he was supposed to do, officials said.
    7. I don't have a gas mask. I don't have any of it," an Army sergeant said when asked whether he had the protective gear.
    8. These ideas all sound sensible enough, but they mask important questions about the proper role of government in responding to the nation's economic challenges and industry's part in making America more competitive.
    9. A false mask of patriotism hides this underlying notion.
    10. One Marine donned a Santa cap. Another put on his gas mask.
    11. The investigation is believed to have been sparked by suspicions about the unrecorded transfer into and back out of BCCI's London unit of $600 million earlier this year, as part of an alleged scheme using undocumented deposits to mask heavy losses.
    12. George Anthony Sanchez, 27, usually wore a ski mask when he stalked his victims in several South Bay cities, police said.
    13. Some Fyffes officials now travel with bodyguards and mask their identities.
    14. Rubber gloves, a mask, a syringe and poison aimed for Mr. Lumumba's toothpaste were sent in a diplomatic pouch.
    15. The courtly Texan let drop his customary mask of benevolence when he talked up the yen in the weeks ahead of the G7 meeting, much to the annoyance of the Japanese government.
    16. Bowers said he didn't interpret the ruling that way. "If his client wears a mask, it'll make my day," he said.
    17. The mask of reservation fell to reveal frankness and undisguised passionate pity." But his popularity proved short-lived.
    18. Unidentified investigators said a man in a ski mask killed John Shelton in Queens with a rifle Feb. 7, The New York Times said.
    19. The bronze death mask was saved.
    20. Barr and Raymond Buday Jr., the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's regional counsel, said the investigation revealed that false documents were filed to mask the non-payment.
    21. He injected some humor into the session by leaving the room, returning in a Ronald Reagan mask and wishing Bentsen luck from a 3-by-5 card, said campaign spokeswoman Ellen Moskowitz.
    22. The investigations also said official secrecy helped mask the project's problems.
    23. A man convicted of being the "ski mask rapist" in the sexual assaults of 26 women is virtually assured of spending the rest of his life in prison, a prosecutor said.
    24. Indeed, some members say that making such alterations would only mask the deeper political problem.
    25. The technology, which Zenith calls "flat tension mask," reduces glare and makes pictures look clearer and brighter.
    26. But that activity "may mask the fact that business is still generally slow," he adds.
    27. Peter Riegert plays McCann's boss, whose smoothly civilized speech is meant to mask the deeper evil.
    28. Since then, no one wearing a mask has been attacked, Jackson said.
    29. Doing so could help mask the huge, undocumented movements of deposits out of the bank that auditors have also discovered.
    30. One major piece, a Zapotec mask of the bat god Murcielago from the Monte Alban ruins in southern Mexico, had come apart and had to be repaired, he said.
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