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 Maltz 添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. Mr. Maltz's stake in Malrite, which operates 11 radio stations and six independent television stations, already represents about 74% of its total voting power.
    2. "The issue is simple," Maltz said. "Is the future pay TV or is it free TV?
    3. "We were warned yesterday morning to board up the windows and protect ourselves," said Leslie Maltz, director of computing and communication resources at Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken, N.J. He would not say who gave the warning.
    4. "We'll keep systems removed 'til all clear is sounded, several days at most I would think," Maltz said.
    5. "The pay TV industry is a financial creature born by deal makers and bred on junk bonds," Maltz said. "Local stations are under attack by cable operators who can decide to drop a station or change a station's channel location at will.
    6. "The ravaging of free TV, however, has yet to begin in earnest," Maltz said.
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