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 malvaceous [mæl'veiʃәs]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 锦葵科的

    Malvaceous \Mal*va"ceous\, a. [L. malvaceus, from malva mallows.
    See {Mallow}.] (Bot.)
    Pertaining to, or resembling, a natural family of plants
    ({Malvace[ae]}), of which the mallow is the type. The cotton
    plant, hollyhock, and abutilon are of this family. It was
    formerly classified as an order, and included the baobab and
    the silk-cotton trees. The baobab and silk-cotton trees are
    now placed in the family {Bombacaceae}, which is included
    with the {Malvaceae} in the order {Malvales}.
    [1913 Webster +PJC]

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