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 Malva sylvestris 添加此单词到默认生词本

    malva sylvestris
    [ noun ]
    erect or decumbent Old World perennial with axillary clusters of rosy-purple flowers; introduced in United States

    Mallow \Mal"low\, Mallows \Mal"lows\, n. [OE. malwe, AS. mealwe,
    fr. L. malva, akin to Gr. mala`chh; cf. mala`ssein to soften,
    malako`s soft. Named either from its softening or relaxing
    properties, or from its soft downy leaves. Cf. {Mauve},
    {Malachite}.] (Bot.)
    A genus of plants ({Malva}) having mucilaginous qualities.
    See {Malvaceous}.

    Note: The flowers of the common mallow ({Malva sylvestris})
    are used in medicine. The dwarf mallow ({Malva
    rotundifolia}) is a common weed, and its flattened,
    dick-shaped fruits are called cheeses by children. Tree
    mallow ({Malva Mauritiana} and {Lavatera arborea}),
    musk mallow ({Malva moschata}), rose mallow or
    hollyhock, and curled mallow ({Malva crispa}), are less
    commonly seen.

    {Indian mallow}. See {Abutilon}.

    {Jew's mallow}, a plant ({Corchorus olitorius}) used as a pot
    herb by the Jews of Egypt and Syria.

    {Marsh mallow}. See under {Marsh}.

    Malva sylvestris \Malva sylvestris\prop. n. (Bot.)
    The species name of the tall mallow, an erect or decumbent
    Old World perennial with axillary clusters of rosy-purple
    flowers; introduced into the U. S.

    Syn: tall mallow, high mallow, cheese, cheeseflower.
    [WordNet 1.5]

    Mauve \Mauve\ (m[=o]v), n. [F., mallow, L. malva. So named from
    the similarity of the color to that of the petals of common
    mallow, {Malva sylvestris}. See {Mallow}.]
    A color of a delicate purple, violet, or lilac.

    {Mauve aniline} (Chem.), a dyestuff produced artificially by
    the oxidation of commercial aniline, and the first
    discovered of the so-called coal-tar, or aniline, dyes. It
    consists of the sulphate of mauve["i]ne, and is a dark
    brown or bronze amorphous powder, which dissolves to a
    beatiful purple color. Called also {aniline purple},
    {violine}, {Perkin's mauve}, etc.

    cheeseflower \cheeseflower\ n.
    an erect or decumbent Old World perennial ({Malva
    sylvestris}) with axillary clusters of rosy-purple flowers;
    introduced into the U. S.

    Syn: tall mallow, high mallow, cheese, {Malva sylvestris}.
    [WordNet 1.5]

    cheeseflower \cheeseflower\ n.
    an erect or decumbent Old World perennial ({Malva
    sylvestris}) with axillary clusters of rosy-purple flowers;
    introduced into the U. S.

    Syn: tall mallow, high mallow, cheese, {Malva sylvestris}.
    [WordNet 1.5]

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