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 LSB 添加此单词到默认生词本
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  1. Experimental results show the hidden information capacity of this algorithm is one time more than LSB algorithm, and much more than all kinds of transform domain algorithms, but computing complexity is much lower than transform domain.
  2. Abstract A new kind of design and implementation of a steganography algorithm based on Least Significant Bit (LSB) was proposed, which used chaos system as key to encrypt the steganography information, then according to the image characteristic, adaptively regulated embedding depth.
  3. With the development of the multimedia which was widely applied in communication,steganography and steganalysis have become the focus in the information security area.This paper mainly discusses the theory of steganography and steganalysis and the relationship between them,analyzing the most frequently used algorithms of steganography and steganalysis which are based on LSB and DCT,explaining the principle,showing the virtue and the flaw,finally pointing out the direction of the development.

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