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 LSD ['ɛl`ɛs'di]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 迷幻剂烈性麻醉药

[计] 最小有效位

[医] 麦角副酸二乙酰胺

    [ noun ]
    a powerful hallucinogenic drug manufactured from lysergic acid

    LSD \LSD\ n.
    lysergic acid diethylamide, a powerful hallucinogenic drug.

    Syn: lysergic acid diethylamide, acid.
    [WordNet 1.5]

    1. Only two of the nine original plaintiffs were given LSD therapy during the time the CIA financed Cameron's research, according to court papers.
    2. In the 1986 survey, half of the inmates who had ever used a major drug such as heroin, cocaine, methadone, PCP or LSD did not do so until after their first arrest.
    3. He said the gang trafficked in marijuana and LSD as well as Colombian cocaine bound for the United States.
    4. At least 45 people were arrested late Friday and early Saturday. Officers hoped to arrest 40 more on charges of selling and delivering cocaine, marijuana and LSD, Tharp said.
    5. After that, the schedule gets dim, though Kesey hopes to pick up LSD guru Timothy Leary and gonzo journalist Hunter S. Thompson along the way.
    6. About 100 people were arrested during concerts Friday, Saturday and Sunday for various offenses, most involving drug possession, police said. "All of the LSD and other drugs we confiscated was just incredible," said police Sgt. Al Murray.
    7. Peruto has insisted that Heidnik was treated with the chemical LSD while a hospital patient during Army service in West Germany in 1962, but has been unable to get any records.
    8. Villar said chemical tests revealed the decals contained several hallucinogenic substances, including LSD, that can be absorbed through the skin.
    9. He said a high-bran diet could result in a daily consumption of 100 micrograms of LSD, or four times the minimum dose needed to produce an effect on an inexperienced user of the drug.
    10. LSD, a popular hallucinogen in the 1960s, is produced naturally by ergot, a common fungal infestation of wheat that may survive food processing, Conning told the meeting.
    11. "Some drugs, in and of themselves, have depressive effects. Alcohol does, and so does PCP (angel dust) and LSD," said Schwartz.
    12. The government Tuesday tentatively settled a lawsuit by eight Canadians who claimed they suffered psychological trauma from CIA-financed mind-control experiments that included doses of LSD, sources said.
    13. As M begins his story, one wonders whether he is crazy, dreaming, on LSD, getting shock treatments or the protagonist of a science fiction story.
    14. Linkletter's 20-year-old daughter, Diane, jumped to her death from her sixth-floor Hollywood apartment in 1969 while under the influence of LSD.
    15. He sprang to public notice after his appointment as the city's chief coroner, campaigning against sloppy operating room procedures and sampling LSD in order to testify at an inquest into a drug-related death.
    16. Peruto said he has documents that will prove Heidnik was the subject of LSD tests by the U.S. Army in the early 1960s.
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