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 LSC 添加此单词到默认生词本
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    1. In early 1981, LSC held $19 million in cash in one of its nine regional offices, which was dedicated solely to federal and state political activity.
    2. In recent months, the LSC board has approved regulations prohibiting local grantees from suing over voter-redistricting plans or to protect prisoners' rights.
    3. Shopco Laurel Centre L.P. began trading units under the symbol LSC.
    4. One sign that the liberals took the threat seriously is that they tried to smear LSC Chairman Clark Durant III, who's led the fight for the changes.
    5. The fact is that the corporation has spent millions of dollars since 1985 to monitor LSC programs for alleged abuses alluded to in the Journal's editorial, but to date not one program has been defunded as a result.
    6. The White House attributes the delay in part to legal requirements about the makeup of the LSC board, such as the rule that no more than six members can be from one party.
    7. The legislators who created LSC deliberately placed it out of the reach of the executive branch, and, hence, outside the Constitution.
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