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 Iyer 添加此单词到默认生词本
n. (Iyer)人名;(法、英)伊耶;(印)耶尔

  1. Mr. Iyer said a larger concern for India was the absence of a water-sharing treaty with China, which does not allow India to either qualify or address Chinese claims regarding specific projects.
  2. Mr. Iyer said a larger concern for India was the absence of a water-sharing treaty with China, which does not allow India to either qualify or address Chinese claims regarding specific projects.
  3. Shriram Iyer, head of research at Edelweiss Securities in Mumbai, said that during the financial crisis, Indian stocks are taking their cues from battered global markets as well as domestic factors.
    Edelweiss Securities驻孟买研究部负责人Shriram Iyer说,在金融危机期间,印度股市一直从低迷的全球市场和国内因素中寻找线索。

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