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 I Huiliers equation 添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. We look forward to providing a unique and exciting shopping experience to the region." Macy's operates 149 department stores in the United States under the names Macy's, Bullock's and I. Magnin.
    2. Can we never see eye-to-eye until all 120 million Japanese become Christians?" My second encounter occurred in the late 1980s, when I overheard a comment as I passed by a meeting room in the New York head office of a major financial organization.
    3. Can we never see eye-to-eye until all 120 million Japanese become Christians?" My second encounter occurred in the late 1980s, when I overheard a comment as I passed by a meeting room in the New York head office of a major financial organization.
    4. But Mr. Iacocca counters, "I never worked harder in my life than in the last couple of years.
    5. And suddenly it started shaking, which I'm used to.
    6. I looked at my watch at the end, astonished that 100 minutes had gone by. But then I am looking at my watch again now, astonished that a vintage Venice festival has gone by, with only 36 hours, three films and a bunch of prizes to go.
    7. I looked at my watch at the end, astonished that 100 minutes had gone by. But then I am looking at my watch again now, astonished that a vintage Venice festival has gone by, with only 36 hours, three films and a bunch of prizes to go.
    8. Henry Waxman, D-Calif. "I hope the president will follow his own commission's advice." Waxman is among several members of Congress pushing for anti-discrimination legislation.
    9. He has done me a great, great favor and I would like to return the compliment."
    10. "My roommate, Jeff Peltier, and I began fooling with it four years ago with our coach, Joe Bernal," Berkoff says.
    11. Perhaps Columbus, had been right, after all. I took my leave of the finest green refuge on New York City's outskirts: the evening bell was sounding and somebody was driving a car along the lower terrace to remind us that highway morals rule.
    12. "With oil prices supposed to fall, I was looking for new highs in just about every airline stock," Ms. Bockstern said.
    13. "If they're playing baseball here, I'm watching. The Cubs could swap their whole team for minor leaguers and I'd still come out," said he.
    14. "If they're playing baseball here, I'm watching. The Cubs could swap their whole team for minor leaguers and I'd still come out," said he.
    15. Rogers began his career in the 1960s performing as a back-up guitarist and later toured as a folk singer. "Through the early and mid '70s, I kept expanding the introductions to my songs," he said.
    16. Here I was, I had just done `The Cosby Show.'
    17. Here I was, I had just done `The Cosby Show.'
    18. "What I've been told is the campaign will see what it looks like tonight and the senator will talk to his advisers to see what direction the campaign will take," Mulligan said.
    19. "If I had a bad heart, it would have given me a heart attack," Mrs. Davis said.
    20. If the base was shut down, says Antonio Navarro, an official at the Socialist-run city hall, "I'd open a Disney World there.
    21. "I think interest rates are going to be a lot lower by year's end," said Frederick W. Zuckerman, vice president and treasurer of Chrysler Corp.
    22. "In a way I was relieved.
    23. There is a feeling, Mr. Acquilino said, that "if I give this piece, what is the next piece to go."
    24. "I came up with the Star Wars Deli idea to take advantage of the area _ that's the hot thing going on here.
    25. I can't imagine they'll be any different at all," she said.
    26. "I guess it's the excitement, it's like a dream car," said Mrs. Miller, 49, who owns two other Corvettes and has had her order in for a ZR-1 since July 24.
    27. Manafort, however, said his firm "has worked within the existing system at HUD." "We played by the rules," Manafort said. "I understand that the subcommittee views the process as fundamentally flawed.
    28. "Urgent measures are being taken to help all those affected by this terrible tragedy, and I have to be there in this effort," said Gorbachev, who planned to fly to Yerevan after arriving in Moscow. He canceled planned trips to Cuba and Britain.
    29. "I think we're coming out of" fiscal 1989 "much stronger as a result of the Nippon sale," Mr. Banks said.
    30. In doing that, "I tried to use more or less acceptable methods," Mikhail says.
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