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 Izvestia [iz'vestjə]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 消息报

    1. But the world hadn't known, because, until Izvestia's story, the Soviets had kept the news to themselves.
    2. After the recent attacks on the police station in Kokand, the mob invaded a Meskhi neighborhood and set more than 80 houses and six cars on fire, Izvestia reported.
    3. The government newspaper Izvestia said the belligerents were using helicopters without markings and armored vehicles captured from military bases.
    4. Alexander P. Fisun, deputy coal industry minister, told Izvestia more than 300,000 miners were striking 94 of the 121 mines in the the Donetsk Basin of the eastern Ukraine, the country's largest coal field.
    5. The suspected killers were in custody, Izvestia reported, but crowds of angry Uzbeks took to the streets Monday demanding more members of their ethnic group be included in law enforcement and KGB bodies, it said.
    6. Izvestia did not give a specific date of Kolesnikov and Moiseyenko's desertions and it did not say when Snetkov was fired.
    7. Police were working to identify the dead, Izvestia said.
    8. The government's main national newspaper, Izvestia, has missed publication the last two Sundays because of a newsprint shortage, indicating the severity of the breakdown of supplies to state enterprises.
    9. An article in the government newspaper Izvestia on Wednesday complained that "Lithuania is getting public opinion used to the fact that it `is leaving,"' without thinking through the economic and political difficulties secession will create.
    10. Soviet officials have minimized the danger, and Izvestia said scientists in Moscow determined the capsule could withstand the damage to its thermal blanket.
    11. Izvestia said there were 96,986 cases of misappropriation of government and public property through embezzlement, theft and abuse of office in 1987.
    12. In Armenia, voters stayed home to express frustration over a lack of choice, the government newspaper Izvestia reported.
    13. "From this day a new stage of Soviet-Chinese relations is beginning," Izvestia's evening edition said in its lead article.
    14. Izvestia, the government newspaper, also gave the first breakdown of Armenian and Azeri casualties in Feb. 28 rioting in the city of Sumgait in Azerbaijan, and denied reports that children were killed.
    15. Izvestia did not give the number of the teen-agers' hotline or say how capital residents could get it.
    16. He was rehabilitated and edited Izvestia in the 1930s, but was tried again in 1937 and sent to a labor camp, where he is believed to have died in about 1940.
    17. Izvestia said a railway bridge had been destroyed near Stepanakert, the enclave's administrative center.
    18. Izvestia ran a front-page article Friday noting the report had already had its effect in Washington, where a cut in American military troops in Europe had just been proposed.
    19. The critical commentary in the party's youth newspaper contrasted sharply with articles Friday in the nation's two most official newspapers, Pravda and Izvestia.
    20. The letter in Izvestia said the directive suggested that library workers they tell people asking for the removed materials that they are all on loan.
    21. Speaking to foreign reporters, Ivan Laptev, Izvestia's editor, sought to play down Mr. Gorbachev's criticism, but he acknowledged that his paper had been singled out.
    22. In a speech to the Byelorussian Communist Party, Yefrem Sokolov said: "From our point of view, much of the blame for our ship's loss of its anchors and its crew's sickness lies with those who command the ship and lay out its course," Izvestia said.
    23. Under current regulations, the purchasing, installation and use of almost any duplicating equipment in the Soviet Union requires the ministry's "special permission," Izvestia said.
    24. Specialists were searching for the plane's "black box," Izvestia said, using the Western term for an aircraft voice and data recorder that might shed light on the reason for the crash.
    25. Le Figaro published the interview Jan. 26 and an editorial in the Soviet government newspaper Izvestia attacked the reported comments last week.
    26. Izvestia said the mission "could be ranked as one of the most dramatic in the history of cosmonautics." Speaking to reporters after landing, Lyakhov, a veteran of two long space flights, did not admit to any mistakes.
    27. Mikhail S. Gorbachev's visit to China dominated the state-run media, taking up all 45 minutes of the evening TV news program "Vremya" and most of the first two pages of the government newspaper Izvestia.
    28. "In my view, it's necessary to transfer to local Soviets the tax policy regarding cooperatives," he said in remarks reprinted by the government newspaper Izvestia.
    29. Izvestia said that for the time being, the advertising will be carried once a week in papers distributed in Moscow and abroad.
    30. Izvestia quoted Defense Minister Dmitri T. Yazov as saying "the crew heard several explosions" after two or three hours of trying to control the fire.
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