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 Bywaters syndrome 添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. Honan presents exhaustive research intended to show that Bywater's writings profoundly influenced Japanese strategists led by Yamamoto, supreme commander of the Imperial Navy combined fleet and architect of the Pearl Harbor attack.
    2. Westinghouse executives "felt they could maximize their profits if they dealt local by local, because some are weaker than others," says William H. Bywater, the IUE president.
    3. Mr Bill Bywater, head of the electricians, warned those Democrats who voted in favour: 'We're gonna make sure we get even at the polls.'
    4. Two ships were also on their way with booms and other equipment ready to scoop oil from the water if needed, Bywater said.
    5. Honan raises but leaves unanswered a question of whether Japanese agents caused the mid-1940 deaths of Bywater, then 55, in a London suburb and Bywater's Tokyo source, English journalist Melville Cox.
    6. Honan raises but leaves unanswered a question of whether Japanese agents caused the mid-1940 deaths of Bywater, then 55, in a London suburb and Bywater's Tokyo source, English journalist Melville Cox.
    7. Bywater told reporters Tuesday that the union's support of the workers in Poland was shared throughout the U.S. labor movement.
    8. A GE spokesman said the IUE is apparently having an "internal problem" because Mr. Bywater was among those who recommended the tentative agreement.
    9. Bywater had the U.S. fleet getting intercepted, severely mauled and humbled, prompting the United States to redesign "a carefully planned step-by-step advance to Manila across a bridge of islands in the Marshall and Caroline chains.
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