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 Byzantine [bi'zæntain]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 拜占庭帝国的, 拜占庭式的

  1. The capital and largest city of Libya, in the northwest part of the country on the Mediterranean Sea. Settled by Phoenicians from Tyre, it has Roman and Byzantine remains. Population, 858,500.
  2. Italian painter trained in the Byzantine style and considered the first master of the Florentine school.
  3. The ruler of a province in the Byzantine Empire.

[ noun ]
  1. a native or inhabitant of Byzantium or of the Byzantine Empire

  2. <noun.person>
[ adj ]
  1. of or relating to the Eastern Orthodox Church or the rites performed in it

  2. <adj.pert>
    Byzantine monks
    Byzantine rites
  3. of or relating to or characteristic of the Byzantine Empire or the ancient city of Byzantium

  4. <adj.pert>
  5. highly complex or intricate and occasionally devious

  6. <adj.all>
    the Byzantine tax structure
    Byzantine methods for holding on to his chairmanship
    convoluted legal language
    convoluted reasoning
    the plot was too involved
    a knotty problem
    got his way by labyrinthine maneuvering
    Oh, what a tangled web we weave
    tortuous legal procedures
    tortuous negotiations lasting for months

Byzant \Byz"ant\, Byzantine \Byz"an*tine\ (-[a^]n"t[imac]n)
n.[OE. besant, besaunt, F. besant, fr. LL. Byzantius,
Byzantinus, fr. Byzantium.] (Numis.)
A gold coin, so called from being coined at Byzantium. See

Byzantine \By*zan"tine\ (b[i^]*z[a^]n"t[i^]n), a.
Of or pertaining to Byzantium. -- n. A native or inhabitant
of Byzantium, now Constantinople; sometimes, applied to an
inhabitant of the modern city of Constantinople. [Written
also {Bizantine}.]

{Byzantine church}, the Eastern or Greek church, as
distinguished from the Western or Roman or Latin church.
See under {Greek}.

{Byzantine empire}, the Eastern Roman or Greek empire from a.
d. 364 or a. d. 395 to the capture of Constantinople by
the Turks, a. d. 1453.

{Byzantine historians}, historians and writers (Zonaras,
Procopius, etc.) who lived in the Byzantine empire. --P.

{Byzantine style} (Arch.), a style of architecture developed
in the Byzantine empire.

Note: Its leading forms are the round arch, the dome, the
pillar, the circle, and the cross. The capitals of the
pillars are of endless variety, and full of invention.
The mosque of St. Sophia, Constantinople, and the
church of St. Mark, Venice, are prominent examples of
Byzantine architecture.

  1. It is a risky business in any circumstance, and is even more so in the Byzantine world of the Middle East.
  2. Those familiar with the Byzantine world of House party politics say White House anger over that move along with a number of rivalries were at work in today's contests.
  3. Seniors can study marine life in Polynesia, culture in Japan, genealogy in London, the Byzantine civilization in Turkey, or other topics at more than 100 overseas locations.
  4. After all, he has already run the Pentagon, possibly the only organisation with a bureaucracy more Byzantine than the World Bank's.
  5. Nevertheless, until its destruction in 1291 by a Mamluk sultan, the city enjoyed a rich history as Romans, Byzantine Christians, Muslims and medieval Crusaders remolded it in their own image.
  6. Mr. Yamani, the sources said, was too preoccupied with the Byzantine aspects of international oil politics to pay much attention to the national oil industry.
  7. On Tuesday, they approved a Byzantine financial deal that allowed Trump to receive a $65 million emergency loan with his three Atlantic City casinos put up as collateral.
  8. "People think the lyra is a peculiarly Cretan instrument but I've found it all over Asia Minor and it must have been around since Byzantine times.
  9. Despite the Byzantine bookkeeping, he prefers accounting to other businesses in Iran, which are subject to the state's fickle attitude towards profit and private property.
  10. The 28, from around the world, "were specialists in Byzantine art and in all probability they could be contacted if something was for sale," he said.
  11. Ethiopian politics are the most sophisticated, secretive and Byzantine in all of black Africa.
  12. A five-day international congress on his life and work pointed out the Greek and Byzantine influences in El Greco's work and illuminated aspects of his life in Crete.
  13. Gigli's opulent Byzantine cocoons are so colorful they seem to have already matured into butterflies.
  14. It's too Byzantine to explain.
  15. De Beers' announcement that it will reduce its final dividend substantially shows the recession has not left the Byzantine world of diamond dealing untouched.
  16. Dimitrios lives and works in Istanbul, Turkey, known as Constantinople when it was capital of the Byzantine Empire.
  17. Its splendid collection of antiquities ranges from neolithic goddesses to Byzantine ear-rings, from Hellenistic and Roman gold diadems (I counted at least 10) to Iznik tiles as good as those in Topkapi Palace itself.
  18. This would inevitably lead to a price-wage spiral and hyper-inflation followed either by an authoritarian, 'Byzantine' solution or the slow process of installing democracy.
  19. The district attracts growing number of foreign tourists who visit Byzantine ruins.
  20. His stories and novels often deal with the country's Byzantine history and traditional themes of honor and local custom.
  21. And there is always a question, in Mexico's Byzantine politics more than most, of whether a new president will actually follow the policies he seems to embody.
  22. There are references to it as early as the 5th or 6th centuries, and coincidences have been found between the shroud and 7th-century Byzantine art and liturgy.
  23. Beit Shean, 75 miles north of Jerusalem, was a large walled city throughout the Roman and Byzantine periods with 50,000 residents at its peak, huge for ancient times.
  24. Had he really done so, it seems most unlikely that his widow would have allowed his wishes to be ignored. ##The famous mosque in Istanbul, originally a Byzantine cathedral, was made a secular museum on Ataturk's orders in the 1930s.
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