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 Byzantine Empire 添加此单词到默认生词本

    byzantine empire
    [ noun ]
    a continuation of the Roman Empire in the Middle East after its division in 395

    Byzantine \By*zan"tine\ (b[i^]*z[a^]n"t[i^]n), a.
    Of or pertaining to Byzantium. -- n. A native or inhabitant
    of Byzantium, now Constantinople; sometimes, applied to an
    inhabitant of the modern city of Constantinople. [Written
    also {Bizantine}.]

    {Byzantine church}, the Eastern or Greek church, as
    distinguished from the Western or Roman or Latin church.
    See under {Greek}.

    {Byzantine empire}, the Eastern Roman or Greek empire from a.
    d. 364 or a. d. 395 to the capture of Constantinople by
    the Turks, a. d. 1453.

    {Byzantine historians}, historians and writers (Zonaras,
    Procopius, etc.) who lived in the Byzantine empire. --P.

    {Byzantine style} (Arch.), a style of architecture developed
    in the Byzantine empire.

    Note: Its leading forms are the round arch, the dome, the
    pillar, the circle, and the cross. The capitals of the
    pillars are of endless variety, and full of invention.
    The mosque of St. Sophia, Constantinople, and the
    church of St. Mark, Venice, are prominent examples of
    Byzantine architecture.

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