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 Bells mania 添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. The telecommunications company said the judge granted a waiver for the FTS-2000 bid, but didn't rule on whether the Bell companies would violate the consent decree by providing switching services generally.
    2. Talks with Michigan Bell resumed Tuesday, and continued early Wednesday, said spokesmen for the utility and the union.
    3. Those employees are likely to mention Bell Atlantic if attendees ask for references, a company spokeswoman concedes.
    4. By contrast, Dutoit's responsibility in Bell's Prokofiev is to realise as vividly as possible the bizarre colours of the scores, the better to set off the wicked solo role. He and his Montreal band (and the sound-engineers) do that to memorable effect.
    5. The sentence followed a hearing before Bell in which Chambers' attorney, Jack Litman, complained that the probation report on his client was "slanted" and asked for an opportunity to answer charges made by the prosecution in the report.
    6. The interest will grow to 10% over the next three years, while Bell Atlantic and Ameritech will reduce their combined stake to 49.9% through a series of stock offerings that could begin as early as next year.
    7. The new phone is the result of two years of development work by AT&T units, including Bell Laboratories and Compression Labs Inc., which makes the video-compression electronics.
    8. The server also makes a connection among several units of the company, one of the seven regional telephone companies formed with the break-up of the Bell System.
    9. Like many other computer companies, Unisys, based in Blue Bell, Pa., has already taken steps to streamline its use of semiconductors to cut costs.
    10. Says Arno Penzias, the Nobellaureate vice president for research at AT&T's Bell Laboratories: "When you have a parent in a nursing home, you can't see her every day.
    11. Or as Andrew Bell, economist at BZW puts it: 'The bears ought to be dipping their paws in the honey rather than swatting at bees'. Having said that, though, corporate news over the week has been somewhat gloomy.
    12. The 17.1% notes were issued at a price of 102, Bell Canada, Canada's largest telephone utility, said.
    13. At 12:01 a.m. Sunday, Illinois Bell officials transferred the last 18,000 customers from the damaged, jury-rigged switch to a new, state-of-the-art digital unit.
    14. Kerry Packer, Australia's richest man, and Sir Ronald Brierley, a millionaire New Zealand investor, already have made a joint run at Bell Resources and been bought out by Bond Corp. at a large profit.
    15. In addition, she says, the marketing people have started discussing creative leasing packages; Bell & Howell's customers tend to lease rather than buy during downturns.
    16. The three other regional phone companies _ Atlanta-based BellSouth, Denver-based US West and St. Louis-based Southwestern Bell _ have reached settlements.
    17. The two conductors, who were not injured, were given drug and alcohol tests, as is routine after accidents, Bell said.
    18. "It's definitely good for Bell and Elders," said Fred Oldfield, an Australian analyst at Potter Partners in New York.
    19. Army officials said there is talk of cutting off further purchases of Bell Helicopter's OH-58 helicopter.
    20. Under terms of the agreement, Corona said it will sell its 7% stake to Bell Resources Ltd. of Australia, a company associated with Mr. Bond.
    21. The RICO case, which accused Northwestern Bell of bribing state public utility officials, had been dismissed by the 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.
    22. Virginia Bell, who came to Tuesday's auction from Martin's River, Nova Scotia, bought four pairs of gold and silver evening shoes to add to her collection of 600 pairs.
    23. During his 29 years on the force, Bell was twice demoted and developed a reputation in some quarters as a cop willing to bust heads first and let a judge sort things out later.
    24. Regional telephone giant NYNEX Corp. was indicted Thursday on a charge of violating the 1982 court order that broke up the old Bell system.
    25. U.S. District Judge Harold Greene earlier this year modified the AT&T consent decree to allow the Bell companies to transmit information services, but he refused to permit them to originate the information themselves.
    26. A spokesman in Blue Bell, Pa., said the company doesn't currently plan to sell the defense business, which generates $2.2 billion of revenue a year.
    27. He added that the settlement "won't have any material effect on Bell in 1988."
    28. At Philadelphia-based Bell Atlantic Corp., negotiations on local matters with the CWA in Pennsylvania and Delaware continued.
    29. The budget will be $10 million for the group's initial season of four shows, added Bell.
    30. Bell Atlantic Corp., with 17 million access lines at the end of last year, was the largest local telephone company before the GTE-Contel merger two weeks ago.
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