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 黄金分割 [huáng jīn fēn gē添加此单词到默认生词本
golden cut
[数] golden section

  1. 第二种:直接参照图示的四个“黄金分割”点。
    The second possible application is directly based on the crossing points of the Golden Mean.
  2. 我们准备了遵照黄金分割比率和黄金矩形原则设计的PSD格式版面设计示例。
    We prepared a sample PSD layout that is designed according to the Golden Ratio and Golden Rectangle.
  3. 另外,有些古典庙宇还展现了符合黄金分割比的横线与竖线比例。
    In addition, some classical temples exhibit horizontal and vertical proportions that map to the golden ratio.

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