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 黄金输出 [huáng jīn shū chū添加此单词到默认生词本
[金融] gold export

  1. 资本的输出和长期的国际收支逆差迫使美国正式中止了黄金可兑换性。
    capital exports and chronic balance of payments deficits forced the U. S. to formally suspend gold convertibility.
  2. 所以,“如果美国政府要使美国货币膨胀,大不列颠将不再向美国输出黄金(143页)。”
    Therefore, "if the United States government were to inflate American money, Great Britain would no longer lose gold to the United States"(p. 143).
  3. 由于外援而造成的国外的美元过剩,资本的输出和长期的国际收支逆差迫使美国正式中止了黄金的可兑换性。
    The surplus of dollars abroad from foreign aid, capital exports and chronic balance of payments deficits forced the U. S. to formally suspend gold convertibility .

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