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 黄金点 添加此单词到默认生词本
gold pcint

  1. 在顶部前区的发丝都提拉到黄金点,固定色际线。
    Section on the top front area, over direct all the section to golden point, station guide line.
  2. 姑且不提,昨天道琼斯指数上升了202并且黄金市场也在逐渐后撤,两个明显的征兆表明目前投资者的信心逐渐向股市靠拢。“波特又加到。”
    "That aside, the Dow added 202 points yesterday and gold is in retreat, two clear signs that some confidence is seeping back in to equity markets now," Potter added.
  3. 在亚特兰提斯黄金时代(以及你的未来)的主要网格均被金字塔所扩大。
    The primary grid points in the Golden Age of Atlantis (and in your future) were amplified by Pyramids.

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