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 面电荷 [miàn diàn hé添加此单词到默认生词本
[天][电磁] surface charge

  1. 线电荷面电荷是两个重要的物理模型。
    Thread electric charges and surface electric charges are two important physics models.
  2. 一种是基于面电荷的方法,另一种是基于求雪崩倍增因子的方法。
    One is based on the charge sheet approach, the other is based on calculating a multiplication factor.
  3. 应用所得理论结果,对裸眼井井壁的面电荷分布和地层冲洗带内的体电荷分布情况作了初步的探讨。
    A preliminary discussion is made on surface charge distribution on the borehole wall and volume charge distribution in the flushed zone in a borehole by using the theoretical results.

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