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 面砖 [miàn zhuān添加此单词到默认生词本
[建] face brick
[建] facing brick
ashlar brick

  1. 青灰色的面砖,以其颇具质感的材质表现建筑外延的感观感受。
    Caesious facing brick, with considerably tactile material nature, showing architecture's extended sense taste.
  2. 文章介绍一种环保型透水地面砖的特点,施工工艺和使用效果。
    The paper introduces the traits , operating technology and the effect of the environmental-permeable face brick.
  3. 剥脱的油漆和裂开的地面砖让这里看上去破烂不堪,而堆放在一旁的手推车让走廊更加狭窄。
    The peeling paint and cracked floor tiles exuded shabbiness and it was made narrower by the trolleys parked down the sides.

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