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 面积元 [miàn jī yuán添加此单词到默认生词本
[数] surface element
cell area

  1. 供暖协议书中约定收费标准为:每平方米建筑面积28
    Heating an overflight charges : 28 yuan per square metre of gross floor area;
  2. 价格补贴低于每平方米建筑面积200的,按200计算。
    Price subsidies below 200 yuan per square metre of gross floor area, calculated by 200 yuan.
  3. 采用线积分的方法来计算工作腔基面积的方法可很方便地推广到型线更复杂的内啮合转子机构中去。
    The linear integration was employed to calculate the elementary area of the working chamber, and this method can be adopted by more complex profiles of rotors.

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