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 非病原菌 [fēi bìng yuán jūn添加此单词到默认生词本
nonpathogenic bacteria

  1. 我们已经知道在细胞液中有特定的监督机制对特定的病原菌产生反应,而对致病性物质无反应。
    We know already that there are surveillance pathways in the cytosol that seem to respond specifically to pathogens and not to non-pathogens.
  2. 文中通过试验用鲫鱼腹腔注射嗜水气单胞菌,在其染菌后不同时间取血,通过白细胞数量、NBT阳性细胞数量以及血清溶菌酶活力的变化趋势来研究感染病原菌对鱼类特异性免疫功能的影响。
    These results show that the numbers of blood leucocytes and of NBT-positive cells and serum lysozyme level first increases then decreases in 3 days after the injecting of Aeromonas hydiophila.

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