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 非破坏存储器 [fēi pò huài cún chǔ qì添加此单词到默认生词本
nondestructive memory

  1. 电阻型随机存储器(RRAM)以其运行速度快、功耗低和非破坏性读出等特性,被预期为理想的新一代易失存储器
    Resistive random access memory (RRAM) is anticipated to be the promising next generation non-volatile memory operating with fast switching speed, low power consumption and nondestructive readout.
  2. 铁电场效应晶体管(FFET)存储器能够实现非破坏性读出,是一种比较理想的存储方式,因此从一开始就受到人们极大的关注。
    Due to the advantage of non-destruction read out, Ferroelectric FieldEffect Transistor (FFET) is supposed to be the ideal potential memory device and has been widely investigated.

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