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 非磁性的 添加此单词到默认生词本
[电磁] nonmagnetic
[电磁] non-magnetic

  1. 事实上,磁性的材料如盘子也能粘到他的皮肤上就是证明。
    Indeed, the fact that non-magnetic (non-ferrous) materials like plates stick to his skin is proof of that.
  2. 这种变化还出现于非磁性靶的情况中。
    Meanwhile, some properties of the magnetic film change were compared with the case without applied magnetic field.
  3. 磁性-磁性的转换,可利用调整费米级上的电子态密度来控制。
    The magnetic-nonmagnetic transition can be switched by the adjustment of the electron density of states at the Fermi level.

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