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 锅炉燃烧 添加此单词到默认生词本
[动力] boiler combustion

  1. 王的煤炉和锅炉燃烧由煤渣、木屑和秸杆特别成型的煤饼。
    Wang's stoves and boilers burn specially moulded briquettes of waste coal, wood and straw.
  2. 本文采用专家控制与传统控制方法相结合的方法,实现了锅炉燃烧控制系统的智能控制。
    In this paper, the expert control system and traditional control techniques are combined in the realizing of the boiler combustion intelligent control system.
  3. 并将基于模糊补偿的预测函数控制应用于锅炉燃烧控制系统,通过连续系统仿真,结果表明这种控制器具有较强的鲁棒性。
    Then we apply this kind of predictive function to the combustion systems of industrial boiler, through simulation of continuous system, we can conclude that this controller has strong robustness.

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