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 锅炉给水调节 添加此单词到默认生词本
[动力] boiler feedwater regulation

  1. 由于汽轮机控制系统是与锅炉给水调节方式密切相关的,实际上汽轮机控制与给水调节已经成为一个不可分割的整体。
    Both the turbine control system and the boiler feed water adjust way are intimate correlated, so turbine control and feed water adjust can not be divided.
  2. 结合华能淮阴电厂2#200MW机组锅炉给水系统,详细介绍了锅炉给水自动调节原理及自动调节系统的投入。
    Combine boiler feed water system of HuaNeng HuaiYin power plant 2 #200MW units, detailed introduced boiler feed water automatic condition principle and throw in.
  3. 文章着重对锅炉给水调节对象的特点进行了分析,并结合灞桥热电厂1 0 # 锅炉给水调节系统的实际情况进行深入研究。
    The paper analyzes the characteristic of the boiler feed water regulation object, also combined with the stat us of 10\+# boiler feed water regulation system to carry on investigating.

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