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 锅炉给水 添加此单词到默认生词本
bfw boiler feed water

  1. 锅炉给水系统要保证安全可靠地向锅炉供水。
    The boiler water supply system must guarantee to safely and reliably supply water to the boiler.
  2. 通过严格控制锅炉给水质量和正确的开停车操作,近两年来热管省煤器运行良好,未发生泄漏故障。
    They operated well for two years without breakdown because of leakage through strict control of BFW quality and correct operation during startup and shutdown.
  3. 文中介绍的水流量传感器安装的位置,对锅炉给水系统自动控制的设计人员有一定的参考价值和实用意义。
    This paper introduces the installation of water flow sensor location, the boiler feedwater control system designers have a certain value and practical significance.

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