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 脉冲间隔 添加此单词到默认生词本
pulse separation

  1. 摘要用正交试验法对电火花加工中的峰值电流、脉冲宽度、脉冲间隔进行设计,在大量实验数据的基础上,采用最小二乘法建立实用的多种材料的电火花加工实验数学模型。
    On the basis of a lot of experimental data based on the orthogonal test of pulse peak electric current, pulse width and pulse intermission, experimental mathematical models of electric spark forming of several sorts of materials are built up with multiple linear regression analysis.
  2. 在中等面积下,平均脉冲间隔有类似于共振的先降低,达到最小值,再增加的现象。
    Under moderate membrane size, the mean inter spike interval of membrane potential first decreases, reaches a minimum, and then increases with temperature.
  3. 利用脉冲微分方程理论给出的脉冲控制稳定的充分条件,对具有变化的脉冲时间间隔统一混沌系统的脉冲控制稳定性与同步进行理论分析,并对脉冲时间间隔的范围作了估计.通过分析与数值模拟研究表明,所得到的结果比已有等脉冲时间间隔的结果具有更大的适用范围.
    The problems of impulsive control and synchronization of unified chaotic system with varying impulsive intervals are studied.Sufficient conditions for the asymptotically stable and synchronization of the unified systems via impulsive control are derived.Compared with the existing results,these conditions are less conservative.Moreover,a larger upper bound of impulsive intervals for stabilization and synchronization can be obtained.Numerical simulations testify the validity of the results.

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