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 脉冲频带 [mài chōng pín dài添加此单词到默认生词本
[电子] pulse band

  1. 还介绍了超宽带系统的两种结构:基于脉冲无线电(Impulse Radio)的结构和多频带调制结构。
    Besides, we introduce two schemes for UWB system: Scheme based on Impulse Radio and System based on Multi-band Modulation.
  2. 超宽频脉冲的延续时间很短,因此必须在横跨好几GHz的连续频带内运作。结果是,脉冲愈短,占据的频谱愈宽。
    BECAUSE OF THEIR EXTREMELY short duration, these ultrawideband pulses function in a continuous band of frequencies that can span several gigahertz.
  3. 大多数超短脉冲激光器输出波长范围均集中在近红外和中红外波段,而短波长宽频带超短脉冲激光具有更大的应用潜力。
    Most of waveband of ultra-short laser is concentrate on mid-infrared and infrared, but there are more potential applications of short-wavelength and broadband frequency laser.

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