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 脉动流 添加此单词到默认生词本
[流] pulsating flow

  1. 说明了在脉动流研究中锥度角效应是不容忽略的。
    It indicates that the effect of the tapered angle cannot be ignored in the study of pulsating flow.
  2. 本文首先讨论脉动流的撞击液压问题解的可微性。
    The differentiability of the solution of impulsive flow in a hydraulic pipe due to impact are discussed.
  3. 双立环永磁高梯度磁选机是一种利用永磁磁力、脉动流体力和重力综合力场选别的新型设备。
    Double vertical ring high gradient permanent magnetic separator is a new kind of separation equipment which utilizes the combined force field of permanent magnetic force.

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