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[计] associative network

  1. 目的:从词汇联想网络角度比较青年和老年人认知联系结构的局部特征。
    Objective: To compare the local cognitive associative structures in young and old people by analyses of word associative networks.
  2. 综合自联想网络的最优估计与故障诊断 ,自动区分估计误差和传感器故障。
    A novel algorithm based on auto associative neural networks(AANN)is given for sensor failure diagnosis.
  3. 采用基于特征伴随值的相似性判断方法,构造联结机制的联想网络模型,来解决目标闪烁和残缺特征的联想问题。
    Association networks model with linking mechanism is constructed with similarity based on accompanying values of the target features of flickering image and losing of target.

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