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  1. 简要地介绍了穿孔顶联接与调整定位的改进措施及改进效果。
    The co-authors present a brief description about the technical measures taken to improve piercing bar coupling and positioning adjustment and the result thereof.
  2. 是套筒吗?如是应是明早期的,我个人认为、宋枪大都是插联接的。
    Is it sleeve?It should be in the early period of MIng dynasty, in my opinion, most of Song gun are collected poles.
  3. 根据需要改变阀门设置状态时,需经调码后,使阀门手轮与阀门联接,实现阀门的转动。
    According need to Gate valve change the valve installed state, stressed the need to code, so that hand valve and valve-round connection, the realization of the valve rod rotation.

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