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 联接架 [lián jiē jià添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. 计算机可以通过插座与全国计算网络联接,就象用一收音机一样。
    Computers could be plugged into a national network and be used like radios.
  2. 打桩可靠性高:打桩钢性好、联接牢靠、主机重心低、接地面积大、桩机在行走移位及打桩过程中具有较强的抗倾覆稳定性,并能保证打入桩垂直度。
    It is highly reliable in pile driving: the perpendicularity of the driven pile can be ensured due to the excellent rigidity of pile frame, secure connection, low gravity centre of main machine, big grounding area and very strong stability of anti-overturning in the course of movement and pile driving .
  3. 摘要通过对某型商务车白车身、悬系统、轮胎、非结构质量进行有限元模型的建立、联接装配,直至完成整车的有限元模型的过程,并对该模型进行简单的验证,来说明在汽车虚拟试验场中整车的建模技术与要点。
    The paper describes the modeling techniques and main points of the whole vehicle in the virtual proving ground by modeling the finite element models of the body in white, suspension system, tire and nonstructural masses of a business car, and simply verifying the whole vehicle model.

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