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rete cord

  1. 摘要单层平面结构常用于点支承玻璃幕墙的支承结构。
    Singer-layer plane cable net structure has been widely used in supporting structure of point-supported glass curtain wall.
  2. 为解决这一问题,采用新型的锚支护方案对支护参数和支护过程进行优化。
    In order to solve the problem, a new bolting with wire mesh and cable support scheme was used to optimize the supporting parameters and procedure.
  3. 是系在沙囊上的,而吊篮却是单独用一根结实的钢缆穿在便道的一个铁环里。
    Independently of the sacks of ballast, towhich the cords of the net were fastened, the car was held by a strongcable passed through a ring in the pavement.

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