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 网络信息检索 添加此单词到默认生词本
networked information retrieval

  1. 论述网络信息资源、网络信息检索的特点,研究网络检索工具,探讨进行网络检索时应注意的要点。
    The features of network information resource and network information retrieval are discussed,and the function of network retrieval tools and existing problems are also outlined.
  2. 摘要随着互联网的快速发展和广泛应用,网络信息检索成了情报学和计算机科学领域新的研究课题。
    With the quickly development and widely using of the Internet, the networking information retrieval has becoming the brand new study subject in the fields of information science and computor science.
  3. 本文介绍了网络信息检索的特点、利用计算机网络从国内外现有的信息检索系统快速查找信息的方法。
    The paper describes the characteristics of network information retrieval and the methods of searching information through the available systems of network information retrieval in the world.

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