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 网络信息检索工具 添加此单词到默认生词本
networked information retrieval tools

  1. 论述网络信息资源、网络信息检索的特点,研究网络检索工具,探讨进行网络检索时应注意的要点。
    The features of network information resource and network information retrieval are discussed,and the function of network retrieval tools and existing problems are also outlined.
  2. 文章从检索工具信息标引和检索语言三个方面分析了网络信息中存在的问题,并提出了相应的对策。
    The paper analyzes the existing problems in net information from three aspects——retrieval tool,retrieval marking and language,Then the author gives countermeasures.
  3. 本文介绍了网络信息资源管理与检索工具——全文检索系统的功能特点、构成及在图书馆的具体应用。
    This article is an introduction to the tools for network information resource management and search—the features of full text search and its detailed application for library.

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